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DuPage County Domestic Battery Lawyer

Glen Ellyn Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

If you are facing charges for domestic battery, you need to know how high the consequences can be. Jail time, court-ordered counseling, a permanent conviction on your record and the loss of your ability to own a firearm (F.O.I.D. card) are all possible punishments you may be facing.

At the Law Offices of George P. Kallas, attorney Kallas knows you will need an attorney who can confidently protect your rights and your future. With over 20 years of experience, he aggressively defends clients who have domestic abuse charges in DuPage, Kane, and Cook County and throughout the Chicagoland area. Contact his firm online or call 630-479-7100 to schedule your free initial consultation.

A 97% Dismissal Rate on Domestic Battery Charges

When your freedom is on the line, is it important to work with a lawyer who has already proven his ability to handle cases similar to yours. Even though each case has unique circumstances, it is important to work with an attorney who has experience with similar kinds of cases.

As a former prosecutor, attorney Kallas knows how to identify and evaluate weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. He has over a 97% dismissal rate on domestic battery charges, and he has successfully expunged arrest records upon dismissal.

In addition to the court-mandated consequences, he knows you may be facing other consequences as well. The threat of negative public stigma, the loss of your job or family problems frighten many people. He knows you are scared, and he will work closely with you throughout the process to alleviate your fears and get a favorable result for your case, if possible.

Contact attorney Kallas online or call 630-479-7100 to schedule your free initial consultation. Visa, MasterCard and Discover are accepted, and payment plans are available.